Before the next blizzard or cold snap, facility executives are advised to conduct a building–wide evaluation of equipment. To help streamline the process, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) developed the “Preventive Maintenance Guidebook: Best Practices to Maintain Efficient and Sustainable Buildings.” The guidebook is designed to help ensure that systems and equipment are ready for the cold and no unexpected and costly repairs wreak havoc on facility budgets.
Here are a few points that should be on every cold weather checklist:
1. Heating Systems
• Make sure there is enough fuel for the heating system
• Restore any cutback of heat to cooler areas of the building
2. Mechanical Equipment
• Provide proper lubrication for cold weather operation
• Provide heated enclosures around operating equipment where possible
3. Personnel and Procedures
• Instruct personnel in the proper methods of thawing out frozen equipment safely
• Make sure an emergency generator is available
• Review your snow removal program and check equipment